
Contact Number 0265-3917817





AQVANO’s AQVALOCK technology is the odor ELIMINATION solution.

Conventional urinal is the odor MINIMISATION or CONTROL solution.

AQVANO’s AQVALOCK technology is the science that addresses directly to the root cause of odor formation, based on application of DIFFERENTIAL DENSITY & PASCALS LAW. Like an anti-biotic to infection.
AQVANO provides a unique air lock system where by it does not allow urine to get in contact with air or Oxygen. There by reducing the ammonia formation itself.

Water flushed urinal is the symptomatic fixation of problem and lacks in addressing the root cause of odor formation thru oxidisation because of water. It is like a Paracetamol, where infection is not addressed but fever is suppressed.
Conventional system does not restrain ammonia formation, as the urine in the drain pipe is directly exposed to air and water. And infact water induces the oxygenation.

AQVANO applies sedimentation and de-cantation theory to the urine, by which dissolved solids get accumlated in the patented
WATERLOCK and restrain clogging in the pipe. And so rightly called “PLUMBER’s PARADISE”

Conventional urinal drains the urine directly to waste pipe diluted by water there by resulting in more stubborn and faster pipe-clogging problem

AQVANO fuctions without water, electricity, moving parts and flaps or membranes, there by reducing the installation, operational and maintenance costs.

Conventional urinal comes with glazed surface and no cleaning liquid is provided to clean. So lot of water is used to clean it and flush. Over and above since the water itself is the problem creator it is to be cleaned more than once in a day and at times even 3 to 4 times a day.

AQVANO water less urinals are so designed and made that it makes it surface highly “HYDROPHOBIC and ANTI-BACTERIAL”. To ensure, that it remains so, an Anionic, Hydrophobic and anti-bacterial surfactant “AQVACLEAN” is supplied for daily cleaning. So no water is required at all to clean and maintain it. A well researched ‘AQVACLEAN’was invented

Conventional urinals comes with glazed surface and no cleaning liquid is provided to clean. So lot of water is used to clean it and flush. There by creating havens for bacteria to breed in presence of water and dark areas of flush rims.There is no sytem by which pathogen activity can be restricted.
Conventional urinals collect lot of hard water deposits on its surface and that is how stubborn yellow streaks are formed on the urinals. Which makes the restrooms look untidy and dirty.

AQVANO water less urinals are well researched and time tested products with wide range of designs and colors to choose from. Its range of 14 models and 5 colors availible for both horizontal and vertical waste connections suits Men, Women and Children. Its versatile 5 color options namely White - Granite - Stone nero - Stone grey - Stone beige, suits any ambience and color of the place of installation.

Conventional urinal lacks in both aesthetics and utility because of water. Water keeps it dirty, unhygienic and difficult to mantain. There by ever increase in cost of mantainence thru out its life